Your gift makes a difference.

Your tax-deductible contribution will allow the Foundation to serve thousands of families, visitors, students, scholars and institutions. With your help the Museum, Library and Archives and the programs of the Foundation shall continue to increase and enhance the appreciation and understanding of the Hungarian cultural heritage in America.  The American Hungarian Foundation is exempt from federal income taxes in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It is not a private foundation as defined in Section 509 (a) of the Code. Donors are invited to pledge or contribute to name areas and rooms of the Center and provide endowments.

Wall of Honor Donations

Contributors to this category have their donation acknowledged and recorded in the permanent record book and their name, or that of a loved one, inscribed (when so designated) on the Foundation’s Wall of Honor.

Sponsor – $1,000
Patron – $2,500
Benefactor – $5,000
Founder – $50,000
Heritage Legacy – $100,000

About Corporate Matching Gifts:

Double or triple your gift to the American Hungarian Foundation if you are employed by, or retired from a firm that has a Corporate Matching Gift Program. Request a form at your firm’s office, and mail your gift with a completed donation form to the American Hungarian Foundation.

Other ways you can help:

August J. Molnar Fund

Professor August John Molnar was the founding President of the American Hungarian Foundation and served the Foundation for 59 years before retiring in January of 2015, becoming a Co-Chairman of its Board of Directors. Professor Molnar passed away on August 30, 2016 at the age of 89. He was born in Cleveland, Ohio on March 24, 1927 and moved to New Brunswick, NJ in 1959.

In 2004 Elmhurst College honored him with the Doctor of Humane Letters degree, and the same year he was awarded the Commander’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary by President Ferenc Madl. In 2005 the New Brunswick Sister Cities Association presented the Founders Award to Professor Molnar and the City of Debrecen, Hungary, bestowed its Csokonai Award in a special ceremonial session. In 2008 the American Hungarian Coalition in Washington DC, honored him for his service to the Hungarian community. In 2011, the Board of the American Hungarian Foundation honored his work with the prestigious George Washington Award.

Professor Molnar had an enormously successful and influential career, devoted to the study of Hungarian culture and heritage in the United States. The Foundation is respected worldwide for bringing the unique and dynamic presentation of the Hungarian cultural and historical heritage to its constituencies and for its portrayal of the contributions of Hungarians to American life since 1776.

Through a very generous donation of $10,000 from our Chairman of the Board, Dr. Zsolt Harsanyi, to start the fund, we are able to keep Professor Molnar’s life long mission alive. If you would like to contribute to the AJM Fund please contact our Executive Director, Melissa Katkó Pepin, for more information at or you can send contributions American Hungarian Foundation, PO Box 1084, New Brunswick, NJ 08903.

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